Individual Donations

Could you give us a regular donation, remember us in your Will or raise money for us at an event?

Please consider joining the long list of people who make a regular donation.  If you are a tax payer you will be able to claim tax relief and we can claim 25p from Gift Aid for every £ that you donate.  The money that we receive from Gift Aid is an important element of our income.

Gift Aid can also be reclaimed from partnerships providing the partner signing the Gift Aid Declaration has the power to do so under the partnership agreement.

You can send us a cheque made payable to the Cameron Fund, make a transfer directly to our bank account (details below) or complete and send us the Standing Order Form if you are able to make a regular donation through your bank.

If you are a taxpayer, please could you also complete the Gift Aid Declaration, as it will enable us to increase the value of every £ that you give.

You can donate from your salary, in a tax efficient way, if your company has signed up for Give As You Earn (GAYE).

Maybe you could include us in your Will; we are fortunate to receive legacies from the estates of former GPs which are an additional boost to our donated income.

Could you hold a fundraising event? We have a JustGiving page and will be pleased to discuss ideas with you and provide you with information.

You can also raise money for free when you shop online through Give as you Live Online. It’s a really easy way to raise money for the Fund and you can shop at over 6000 stores.

The Cameron Fund banks with the Charities Aid Foundation:
Sort Code 40 52 40   Account No. 00015215.  

If you donate by bank transfer, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration form and forward it to us by email.