How we can help

The Cameron Fund is the GPs' own charity and the only medical benevolent charity which solely supports general practitioners and their dependants.

We provide support to current and retired GPs, as well as their families, in times of financial distress, whether through ill-health, disability, bereavement, relationship breakdown or loss of employment.

We help those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it.

  • We can provide grants or loans where appropriate during a period of retraining or transfer to an alternative career

  • We can provide grants to enable general practitioners and their dependants to meet reasonable living costs, such as rent, Council Tax and children’s extra-curricular activities, which are not covered by insurance claims or by State Benefits

  • We can occasionally pay for school fees for short periods following a critical event, such as a bereavement, to enable completion of examinations before entry or return to the State system

  • We are sometimes able to assist with the additional expenses of GPs and their dependants in residential and nursing care. We would not usually support top-up fees except in very exceptional circumstances

  • We can assist GPs and their dependants with essential household repairs or items. This could be a grant or interest free loan, depending on their circumstances

  • We can provide Money Advice and, in some cases, career coaching.

We will not usually fund the following:

  • Private school fees

  • Private medical fees

  • Legal fees


The Cameron Fund is a charity for the relief of poverty.  To be eligible for our help, you must be in financial hardship, i.e. unable to cover your essential monthly expenditure and have minimal savings. If you have savings in excess of the threshold for claiming means-tested benefits, you are unlikely to be eligible for our help.

We help both working and retired doctors, who have worked in the NHS as a GP for a substantial period of their careers and a minimum of 12 months. The Board of Trustees will consider exceptional circumstances.

We help doctors who have been accepted on to a programme of speciality training for general practice and can demonstrate continuing satisfactory progress on the scheme. Support to GP Registrars will usually be by way of interest-free loans for exam fees. This will be for a maximum of two attempts at each exam.

We help the dependants of GPs and former GPs who are under 18.

We help the dependants of GPs and former GPs who are over 18 and can demonstrate reliance
on the support of a GP, former GP or another dependent of a GP.

We help GPs just starting out in the profession and GPs facing difficulties in the middle of their careers - perhaps through GMC restrictions or issues relating to their regulatory body.
