Making an application

Applications are welcome from, or on behalf of, present or former GPs, their families, and dependants. We also welcome referrals from Local Medical Committees and other organisations or individuals who may know of someone who might benefit from support from us.

If you are uncertain if you or the intended beneficiary should apply, please contact and we will provide guidance on the scope of our work and on eligibility.

Eligibility is related to the GP's service in the NHS in the UK. We also assist doctors who are undertaking a programme of specialty training for general practice. 

To apply

Please download and complete the Application Form. Sign the form and return it to the office by email at

We will review this and if you are eligible for assistance we will ask for further information.

In order to assess whether our applications fully reflect the GP population, the Cameron Fund seeks to monitor requests for assistance.  We would appreciate your completing the Ethnic Monitoring Form and returning it separately in an unstamped envelope marked 'FREEPOST CAMERON'.

The application process

From the form and related documents provided by an applicant, a report is prepared which includes a financial statement detailing assets, debts, income and expenditure.  Additional information is often requested to ensure that the report of an applicant’s circumstances is as accurate as possible. References are sought once the applicant has given permission.

A trustee will visit an applicant to ensure that we fully understand their situation and enable us to provide the most appropriate support.

The report and additional notes from the visit are then circulated to all trustees, who decide on the provision of assistance at regular quarterly meetings.

Where we are unable to assist, we try to signpost the applicant to a more appropriate organisation, often another medical charity like Financial support for doctors and their families (

When it is evident that emergency support is needed, the Chairman can authorise a grant prior to the quarterly meeting.

We endeavour to provide the most appropriate support and often a beneficiary’s circumstances will be reviewed at each meeting when their situation is changing rapidly, for example during illness or marital breakdown.

Information for all applicants

Please ensure that you have begun the process of claiming State & Local Authority Benefits to which you are entitled, e.g. Jobseeker's Allowance, Council Tax Rebate, Tax Credits. When trustees award grants they are intended to complement the benefits to which an applicant is entitled.  Registration for Jobseeker's Allowance is required for any state assistance with mortgage interest repayments.

Contact your Local Medical Committee if your present circumstances relate to an issue within your practice, with your Primary Care Trust or with the General Medical Council.  LMCs can provide guidance, representation and support.  The LMC for your area can be found from the General Practitioners' Committee Yearbook, which is available from the BMA website.

If you are a GP who is temporarily unable to work, look at reducing your medically related expenses.  Ask the GMC and your Medical Defence Organisation about reduced fees.  It may be unwise to resign your Medical Defence membership; you may need their representation at a hearing.  Contact your local Deanery about your situation, they may be able to offer career support or suggest a GP colleague who could mentor you.  It is particularly important to maintain your professional skills and knowledge through reading and online courses.

If you are a member of the British Medical Association, you will be able to access BMA Services.  BMA Counselling and peer support services provide confidential support  and counselling for doctors in difficult and distressing circumstances.


We maintain a strict confidentiality policy.  Case files are only seen by the Chief Executive, support team and trustees.  With the consent of the beneficiary, information is shared with other medical charities if it is likely that additional or complementary support can be provided.

We do not provide information on the outcome of any application to a third party without consent.

We do not report on our activities in any way which would allow applicants or beneficiaries to be identified.

Every story is unique and every beneficiary will be known to a GP somewhere.  We seek to avoid any possibility of identification.

Click here to read our Privacy & Confidentiality Statement.