About us
Our support can be crucial
The Cameron Fund is the GPs' own charity and the only medical benevolent charity which solely supports general practitioners and their dependants.
We provide support to GPs and their families in times of financial need, whether through ill-health, disability, bereavement, relationship breakdown or loss of employment. We help those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it by providing grants, loans and money advice.
Who we are
We are the youngest of the national medical charities and since our creation in 1970 we have distributed over £7 million in grants and loans and helped over 2164 beneficiaries.
We are here to support the 59,000 GPs and their dependants, as well as retired GPs and doctors who have completed a programme of speciality training for general practice. Most general practitioners will never need to contact us, but for those doctors who encounter financial difficulties, our support can be crucial.
Our constitution allows us to have up to twenty trustees, each serving for a three year period. Trustees are drawn from all over the United Kingdom to ensure adequate geographical representation. You can find out more about our trustees on our Who’s Who page.
Our history
Governance documents