Welcome to our new trustees

We would like to thank trustees Dr George Hobbs, Dr Douglas Moederle-Lumb and Dr Oliver Starr for their work for the Fund and its beneficiaries. Following our AGM on 4 May, we are delighted to welcome four new trustees.

Dr Robert Barnett (Jointly representing Cheshire, Merseyside, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Derbyshire). 

Robert describes himself as a true scouser, having lived in Liverpool all his life. He graduated from Liverpool University in 1983 and has been a GP partner in Liverpool since 1987, although he now works part-time.  He joined Liverpool LMC in 1988, becoming LMC Secretary in 1990.  

As Secretary, Robert has come across many colleagues who have at some time or another fallen on hard times; having the ability to help them has been one of the more rewarding aspects of the role for him. He had been thinking of becoming a Cameron Fund trustee for some years. Now working part-time, it felt like the right moment to apply and help colleagues in another way. He says: “The current environment in which we find ourselves is distressing, and seeing colleagues and their families struggling in the way some are, is disturbing.  Hopefully, by being part of the Cameron Fund, I can put my time and skills to good use”.

Following the death of his partner in 1990, Robert was left to care for an eight-month-old baby. Colleagues may remember him accompanying Robert to conferences in the early 1990s.  That baby is now a trainee solicitor in London.

Robert enjoys travelling and is fascinated by penguins. He has visited them in many places and hopes to go on a cruise to see them in the Antarctic in the near future.

Dr John Kedward (Jointly representing Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex)

John is a GP Partner in Bedford and has had a varied career that has included GP Trainer, GP Researcher, GP Appraiser, GP Tutor, Training Programme Director, Associate Dean, Medical Director of a not-for-profit Primary Care social enterprise and GP mentor; as well as continuing to work as a regular GP.  

Outside work John is a keen gardener and runner; and enjoys spending family time with Joan, four adult children, and extended family. 

Dr Brian McGregor (Representing Yorkshire, Humberside, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire).

Brian has been a GP for 31 years, has been a partner in a small and a large practice, salaried (currently) and a locum. He has always worked as a portfolio GP, having been a GPwSI in A/E, addiction therapy, secure environment work, and medico-political roles. He currently is the Medical Secretary of YORLMC, GPC England Regional Representative for North Yorkshire and Bradford, Speaker of GPC England, Chair of the Yorkshire Regional Council of the BMA, is a GP Appraiser and still works 2 days a week in a salaried role.   

Dr Richard Vautrey (appointed Trustee).  
Richard is a GP partner in Leeds, clinical director of Central North Leeds PCN and the primary medical services member of West Yorkshire ICB. He is the assistant secretary of Leeds LMC and a nationally elected member of BMA Council and RCGP Council. He is the former chair of the BMA GP committee in England and GPC UK.


Newsletter: Summer 2023


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